Curriculum vitae
Author's site Katya Medvedeva
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Author's site of Katya Medvedeva - naive painting artist

Dear visitors. This site features photos of my work, most of which have long been in private collections.
It is not always possible to add photos of new works to the site. If you want to purchase my work, or
you have other questions, then I ask you to call or write to the following number:


Medvedeva Ekaterina Ivanovna Katya Medvedeva - the most known master of Russian naive painting. Pictures of this artist is highly valued, a long time willingly expose at exhibitions, collect and be on sale all over the world. A picture gallery of this painter is beyond price, mush of drawings and pictures, presented in gallery on this site never was priced on exhibitions by connoisseurs of modern art.
Ekaterina Medvedeva is heaven-born painting artist. She often paints angels, Jesus and biblical subjects. Picture with angels and ballerinas seems charmed. All of this pictures and drawings are filled with beauty and something alive. This is an artist soul substance at the first moment of creation.
Picturesque landscapes, flowers, people – it is all, seen once by Katya Medvedeva, changing into inspired pictures, drawings, graphic arts.

You can see photos of my pictures in the gallery on this site.

I pay special attention that the present site is my official author's representation at Internet.
Picture-gallery of Katya Medvedeva  

14 July 2018

5 July 2018

2 July 2018

1 July 2018

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